Committed Information Rate

Definition of Committed Information Rate

The Committed Information Rate (CIR) refers to the minimum bandwidth or data transfer rate guaranteed by an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to a client over a particular network. It is usually specified in a service level agreement (SLA) between the ISP and the client. CIR ensures a consistent level of network performance and helps businesses plan for adequate network capacity.


The phonetics of the keyword “Committed Information Rate” is:K-ə-M-I-T-ə-D I-N-F-ə-R-M-E-Y-SH-ə-N R-AYT

Key Takeaways

  1. Committed Information Rate (CIR) is a guaranteed bandwidth provided to users by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) on a shared network, ensuring consistent data transfer rates.
  2. CIR is essential for organizations with critical applications, as it helps maintain efficient network performance and avoid congestion, even during peak usage times.
  3. When subscribing to an ISP, it is important to choose a plan that offers an appropriate CIR to meet the specific needs of your business, as it directly affects the quality and reliability of network services.

Importance of Committed Information Rate

The term Committed Information Rate (CIR) is important in the realm of technology, primarily because it serves as a crucial parameter in telecommunications and computer networking by specifying the guaranteed minimum data transfer rate offered by service providers.

This predetermined rate of bandwidth allocation enables users, businesses, and organizations to operate their network applications and online services smoothly and efficiently without experiencing disruptions or performance degradation.

By establishing a CIR, service providers can effectively manage network resources, optimize bandwidth utilization, and assure a baseline level of performance, leading to increased customer satisfaction and ensuring reliable communication across networks.


Committed Information Rate, often abbreviated as CIR, is a critical aspect of managing network bandwidth and ensuring optimal performance in a shared telecommunications environment. The primary purpose of the CIR is to establish a guaranteed minimum bandwidth that a service provider commits to delivering to a customer. By determining the CIR, network performance can be enhanced and network congestion can be minimized, as it allows for better distribution of available bandwidth resources among various users.

Thus, CIR serves as a key component in maintaining the quality of service (QoS) for all end-users in a network by preventing overloads, particularly during periods of high traffic. In an environment where multiple organizations or individuals share network resources, the Committed Information Rate offers stability and predictability for users. By ensuring a minimum level of service, customers can confidently develop their network infrastructure, knowing that a certain level of network performance is guaranteed.

In practice, this is commonly applied in Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks. By allocating specific CIRs for each user, telecommunications providers can extend a tailored service with varying levels of bandwidth requirements and costs to suit each customer’s needs. Consequently, CIR contributes to a more flexible and adaptive network ecosystem, enabling advancements in technology while still maintaining an equitable distribution of available bandwidth.

Examples of Committed Information Rate

Committed Information Rate (CIR) is a contractually guaranteed minimum data transfer rate in a leased line or frame relay network service between Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and their clients. Here are three real-world examples of how CIR is used:

Corporate Network Connection: A large corporation with multiple branches worldwide may require a dedicated and reliable internet connection for their daily operations. The corporation signs a contract with an ISP for a CIR of 100 Mbps to guarantee an uninterrupted flow of data for smooth communication, file transfers, and remote access between the branches.

Internet Service for a University Campus: A university needs a stable and high-speed internet connection to support its staff, online learning platforms, and on-campus infrastructure. To provide seamless connectivity to students and faculty, the university signs a contract with an ISP for a CIR of 250 Mbps. This ensures a consistent minimum speed, enabling seamless online classes, research activities, and data backup.

Healthcare Institution: A hospital depends on a reliable and fast internet connection to access patient records, medical imaging, and telehealth services. The hospital may have a contract with an ISP for a CIR of 50 Mbps to guarantee consistent bandwidth for crucial services like remote consultations, access to medical databases, and transferring large files, such as medical images and videos.

FAQs about Committed Information Rate

What is Committed Information Rate?

Committed Information Rate (CIR) is the guaranteed data transfer rate defined and assured by an internet service provider. It is the constant bandwidth agreed upon by the service provider and the client, measured in kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or gigabits per second (Gbps).

Why is Committed Information Rate important?

Committed Information Rate is important because it ensures that the client receives constant and reliable connectivity for critical data transmission. This assurance helps businesses perform essential tasks, such as billing and customer support, without interruption and maintain a consistent level of service quality.

How is Committed Information Rate different from the Maximum Information Rate?

Committed Information Rate (CIR) refers to the guaranteed bandwidth provided to the client, whereas the Maximum Information Rate (MIR) is the highest potential data transfer rate that can be achieved. While CIR describes the minimum assured bandwidth, the MIR indicates the highest possible rate, which may vary depending on network conditions and other factors.

What factors can affect the Committed Information Rate?

Several factors can affect the Committed Information Rate, including physical distance from the service provider, network congestion, infrastructure limitations, and client usage patterns. Network equipment and configuration, as well as potential interference from other devices in the area, can also play a role in determining CIR performance.

Can the Committed Information Rate be increased during the contract period with the service provider?

It is possible to increase the Committed Information Rate during the contract period, but that would usually require modifying the contract and agreeing upon the new changes. The service provider might also impose additional charges for the requested increase. It is essential to consult with the provider and discuss the options available for increasing the CIR to meet your business needs.

Related Technology Terms

  • Bandwidth
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Traffic Shaping
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Burst Rate

Sources for More Information


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