
Dark Fiber

Definition of Dark Fiber

Dark fiber refers to the unused optical fiber cables that have been laid but are not currently active or transmitting data. These fibers are often installed with the anticipation of future network expansion or redundancy purposes. Companies can lease or purchase dark fiber to increase their communication infrastructure without having to install new cables.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Dark Fiber” is: DAHRK FIE-ber (IPA: dÉ‘rk ˈfaɪbÉ™r)

Key Takeaways

  1. Dark fiber refers to unused or underutilized fiber-optic cables that have been laid but are not currently being used for data transmission.
  2. It offers numerous benefits, including faster speeds, increased bandwidth capacity, and more control over network performance and infrastructure management.
  3. Dark fiber can be leased or purchased by businesses and organizations, making it an attractive option for those needing custom or dedicated network solutions.

Importance of Dark Fiber

Dark fiber is important as it signifies unused, dormant optical fiber networks that have already been laid, but are not currently in use.

These unlit fibers hold immense potential in addressing the ever-growing bandwidth and network capacity needs in today’s highly interconnected world.

Furthermore, companies and Internet service providers can lease or purchase dark fiber, enabling them to establish their network infrastructure cost-effectively and efficiently, without the need to invest in laying new fiber cables.

This not only speeds up the deployment of services, but also promotes competition, lowers prices, and encourages innovation within the telecommunications industry, ultimately benefiting the end-users.


Dark fiber is a term that refers to the unused optical fibers in telecommunication networks that have been laid but remain inactive. The purpose of installing excess fibers during the initial construction of fiber-optic networks is to anticipate potential future demand and to ensure that sufficient infrastructure is in place to deal with the expansion of network capacity when required.

This ensures that telecommunications companies do not need to invest in expensive construction projects as demand grows, resulting in cost-efficiency and streamlined processes for network growth. While dark fiber remains unlit and inactive, it can be used for various applications once it is leased or sold to customers who want to establish private and high-performance communication lines.

Many businesses, like data centers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and large-scale corporations, utilize dark fiber to create dedicated connections between their locations, bypassing public networks and reducing latency, while improving security and reliability of their data transmissions. Additionally, dark fiber grants the ability to scale their networks without relying on traditional bandwidth limitations, providing greater control and flexibility.

Dark fiber also plays a role in the development of emerging technologies such as 5G networks, which demand faster speeds and higher capacities for effective deployment.

Examples of Dark Fiber

Research and Education Networks: Dark fiber is utilized by research and educational institutions to create a high-speed, dedicated communication network. For example, Internet2, a non-profit organization in the United States, provides high-speed networking services for research and education to U.S. universities by utilizing dark fiber infrastructure. This enables researchers to transfer large datasets and collaborate on projects in real-time without competing with regular Internet traffic.

Municipal Broadband Networks: Some municipalities have implemented their own dark fiber networks in an effort to provide better internet connectivity for residents and businesses. One example is the city of Santa Monica, California. The city’s local government constructed its own dark fiber network, called CityNet. This dark fiber infrastructure serves public organizations, businesses, and internet service providers in the area, offering increased bandwidth, lower costs, and community control over the network.

Data Centers and Cloud Services: Dark fiber is employed in the operation of data centers and cloud-based service providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. These companies lease or own dark fiber infrastructure to connect their data centers and provide low-latency, high-capacity communication between their facilities and customers. This ensures fast and secure access to cloud services, promoting efficient, reliable communication and data transfer between multiple locations.

Dark Fiber FAQ

1. What is dark fiber?

Dark fiber refers to unused or unlit optical fibers that have been laid but are not currently being used in fiber-optic communications. These fibers can be acquired by companies or network providers for future use or to lease to other parties for their networking needs.

2. Why is it called dark fiber?

It’s called dark fiber because the fibers do not actively transmit any data until they are “lit” or activated with the necessary equipment, such as lasers and transceivers. When a fiber is in use, it is considered “lit,” and the data transmitted through it is represented by light pulses. Unused fibers remain “dark.”

3. What are the common uses for dark fiber?

Dark fiber can be used for a range of purposes, including establishing private networks, expanding the capacity of existing networks, or improving network redundancy for increased reliability. Dark fiber may be utilized by telecommunications companies, ISPs, large corporations, or government bodies for these needs.

4. What are the advantages of using dark fiber?

There are several advantages to using dark fiber, such as increased flexibility, scalability, and control over the network. With dark fiber, organizations have the opportunity to design and manage their networks according to their specific needs, rather than relying on the limitations of a shared infrastructure.

5. Are there any downsides to using dark fiber?

One potential downside to using dark fiber is the initial investment required for purchasing or leasing the fibers, as well as the cost of maintaining and upgrading the equipment needed to light the fiber. Additionally, organizations must have the technical expertise to manage and maintain their own networks.

6. How does dark fiber differ from lit and leased services?

Dark fiber refers to unused fibers that can be acquired for exclusive use, granting organizations full control over their network’s design, performance, and security. In contrast, lit services are pre-established, shared networks with predetermined capacity and performance levels. Leased services involve leasing a portion of the lit network’s capacity, without having any control over the infrastructure.

Related Technology Terms

  • Unlit Fiber
  • Optical Fiber Network
  • Fiber Optic Cabling
  • Excess Fiber Capacity
  • Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)

Sources for More Information


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