
Event-Triggered Email

Definition of Event-Triggered Email

Event-triggered email is a type of automated message that is sent to a recipient based on specific events or activities. These events may include user actions like signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or abandoning a shopping cart. The purpose of an event-triggered email is to improve user engagement and enhance communication between a business and its customers.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Event-Triggered Email” is:É›-vÉ›nt trɪ-gÉ™rd ˈi-meɪl

Key Takeaways

  1. Event-Triggered Email enables timely and relevant communication with users by sending personalized emails based on a specific user action or event.
  2. Using Event-Triggered Email increases engagement and conversion rates as it delivers targeted email content that aligns with a user’s needs or interests.
  3. Successful implementation of Event-Triggered Email depends on proper event tracking, segmentation, and the right email marketing tools to automate the process and ensure accurate analytics.

Importance of Event-Triggered Email

Event-Triggered Email is an important term in technology as it refers to an efficient and personalized approach to email marketing, enhancing customer engagement and experience.

By automatically sending targeted emails in response to specific actions or events, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase, businesses can provide relevant content, offer timely assistance, or reward customer loyalty.

This strategy not only streamlines marketing efforts and optimizes resources, but also drives higher open and conversion rates, leading to increased customer satisfaction, retention, and overall business growth.


Event-triggered emails serve as powerful tools for businesses to improve their customer engagement and streamline their communication process. Essentially, these are automated messages sent to an individual based on a specific event, action, or behavior observed within that customer’s interaction with the company.

By customizing the content and timing of these messages, organizations can effortlessly maintain a personalized connection with their audience, enhancing the overall customer experience while reducing the manual efforts put forth by their marketing and sales teams. For instance, event-triggered emails can be used for various purposes, such as welcoming new users, reminding customers about an abandoned shopping cart, or celebrating a milestone like an account anniversary.

By reacting in near real-time to user actions, these messages foster an engaging and relevant communication environment that drives customer loyalty and satisfaction. Moreover, they allow businesses to capture potential missed opportunities, as well-timed and targeted emails can encourage users to complete their transactions or explore additional services.

Overall, event-triggered emails enable companies to optimize their customer interactions and contribute significantly to achieving their marketing and sales objectives.

Examples of Event-Triggered Email

Event-triggered emails are automated messages sent based on specific actions or behaviors by users. Here are three real-world examples of event-triggered emails:

Welcome emails: When a user signs up for an online service, newsletter, or creates a new account on a platform, they often receive a welcome email. This email is triggered by the registration event and usually contains information about the platform, onboarding steps, or a personal message thanking them for joining. For example, when you sign up for a Dropbox account, you receive a welcome email guiding you on how to use the file-sharing service.

Abandoned cart emails: When a user adds items to their online shopping cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, companies often send abandoned cart emails to remind the user of the items they’ve left behind and encourage them to complete the transaction. For example, many e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon or Shopify, utilize abandoned cart emails to recover lost sales.

Birthday or anniversary emails: Many companies use event-triggered emails to celebrate their customers’ special occasions, such as birthdays or anniversaries. These emails are automatically sent on the customer’s special day and may include personalized messages, special offers, or discounts as a token of appreciation. For example, Starbucks sends personalized birthday emails to its rewards program members, offering a free drink or treat to celebrate their special day.

Event-Triggered Email FAQ

What is an event-triggered email?

An event-triggered email is an automated email message that is sent in response to specific user actions or behaviors. These emails are intended to provide relevant and timely information to users, based on their engagement with a website, app, or product.

What are some examples of event-triggered emails?

Examples of event-triggered emails include welcome emails sent to new subscribers, abandoned cart reminders, product recommendations based on browsing history, and milestone emails celebrating user achievements, among others.

What are the benefits of using event-triggered emails?

Event-triggered emails have several benefits, including increased relevance and personalization, better customer engagement, higher open and click-through rates, and ultimately, improved conversion rates and customer retention.

How can I implement event-triggered emails for my business?

To implement event-triggered emails, you’ll need an email marketing platform that supports automation and segmentation features. You’ll also need to determine which events are most relevant to your audience and set up appropriate triggers based on those events. Lastly, create personalized and compelling email content that encourages users to take action.

Can event-triggered emails be sent in real-time?

Yes, many email marketing platforms support real-time event-triggered emails. This means that the email is sent immediately or within a short time frame after the user performs the designated action or event. Real-time delivery ensures timely and relevant communication with your users, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Related Technology Terms

  • Marketing Automation
  • Behavioral Targeting
  • Email Campaign
  • Subscriber Interaction
  • Real-Time Personalization

Sources for More Information


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