Full Packaged Product


Full Packaged Product (FPP) refers to the retail version of a software that is sold as a complete package, including the installation media, product key, and user documentation. It is typically meant for individual consumers or small businesses. This version of the software can be easily transferred between different computers, as opposed to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) version, which is tied to the initial hardware it was installed on.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Full Packaged Product” is:Full: /fʊl/Packaged: /ˈpækɪdʒd/Product: /ˈprɒdʌkt/In the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), it can be written as: /fʊl ˈpækɪdʒd ˈprɒdʌkt/

Key Takeaways

  1. Full Packaged Product (FPP) refers to the retail version of a software product, which includes the installation file, documentation, and product license.
  2. FPP is typically more expensive than other licensing options, such as Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or Volume Licensing, but offers flexibility in terms of installation and transferability to different computers.
  3. Full Packaged Products come with official support and updates from the software manufacturer, ensuring the best user experience and ongoing performance enhancements.


The term Full Packaged Product (FPP) is important in the technology industry as it refers to a complete, standalone software package or product that is sold to end-users.

FPP contains all the necessary components, such as software licenses, accompanying hardware, user manuals, and customer support, offering a comprehensive solution to consumers and businesses alike.

This contrasts with other software distribution methods such as Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or volume licensing, where software may be pre-installed or sold in bulk but may lack certain elements like user documentation or dedicated customer support.

By purchasing an FPP, customers enjoy a more rounded user experience, ensuring the seamless deployment, usage, and potential troubleshooting of the purchased software or product.


Full Packaged Product (FPP) serves an essential purpose in the world of technology by providing customers with a comprehensive, standalone software package that includes everything needed for a successful installation and utilization of the software. Offering an all-inclusive package not only eliminates the need for additional purchases or downloads, but it also ensures compatibility between the components within the software.

The FPP typically consists of the software disc, relevant license key, and a detailed manual or user guide. In essence, the primary objective of an FPP is to ensure a smooth, hassle-free experience for the end user with all the required resources readily available within the package.

FPPs are particularly beneficial for users who prioritize the ease of use and legality of the software they purchase and install. By opting for a Full Packaged Product, the user can be confident that they possess an authentic and legally licensed product, as it directly comes from the software publisher or authorized reseller.

In conjunction with the convenience factor, FPPs also offer a comprehensive and reliable support system, as software publishers often extend technical assistance to clients who have purchased their FPP. Overall, Full Packaged Products pave the way for a reliable and accessible means of acquiring and enjoying the benefits of any given software, while ensuring its authenticity and secure implementation.

Examples of Full Packaged Product

Full Packaged Product (FPP) is a term commonly used in the software industry to describe a complete, retail-boxed solution that includes the application or operating system, documentation, and any necessary user licenses. Here are three real-world examples:

Microsoft Windows Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10, available as a Full Packaged Product, consists of a retail package containing the Windows 10 installation disc, a user manual, and a product key for activation. This FPP is often purchased by consumers looking to upgrade an existing device or to install the operating system on a new device.

Adobe Creative Suite: Adobe’s popular Creative Suite, which includes software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, can be purchased as a Full Packaged Product. In this case, the FPP would include installation discs for each software application, a user guide, and a serial number for activation.

Microsoft Office Suite: Microsoft Office is another example of a Full Packaged Product, where office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook are included in one retail package. Users purchasing the FPP receive the installation disc(s), user manuals for each application, and a product key to activate the software.These are just a few examples of Full Packaged Products, and they represent a traditional distribution method for software applications. However, with the rise of digital distribution and cloud-based services, many software vendors have shifted to offering their products as subscriptions or digital downloads rather than physical FPPs.

Full Packaged Product FAQ

What is a Full Packaged Product?

A Full Packaged Product (FPP) refers to the retail version of a software product, containing all necessary components and licenses needed by the consumer for the software to function properly.

What is included in a Full Packaged Product?

A Full Packaged Product typically includes the software installation media (CD/DVD or USB), a product key, user manual, and a license agreement. In some cases, additional materials such as peripheral hardware or other physical items may be included.

How is a Full Packaged Product different from other software purchase options?

Unlike other software purchase options, such as downloading software directly from the publisher’s website or using a volume licensing agreement, a Full Packaged Product provides the user with a physical copy of the software and its licenses. This can be useful for users who prefer to have tangible backup media, need to install the software on multiple devices, or require offline installation.

Where can I purchase a Full Packaged Product?

A Full Packaged Product can be purchased from various retail outlets, both online and in-store. Common sources include electronics stores, software retailers, and online marketplaces such as Amazon, Best Buy, or the publisher’s website.

Are there any disadvantages to purchasing a Full Packaged Product?

Some potential disadvantages to purchasing a Full Packaged Product include higher upfront costs compared to digital-only purchases and the potential for outdated software versions due to inventory. Additionally, because most software updates and patches are released digitally, users will still need an internet connection to keep their software up to date.

Related Technology Terms


  • Retail Software
  • Software Licensing
  • Product Key
  • Boxed Software
  • End-user License Agreement (EULA)


Sources for More Information


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