Million Dollar Homepage


The Million Dollar Homepage is a website conceived in 2005 by Alex Tew, a student from England, as a fundraising project. The website’s concept was to sell each pixel within a 1000 x 1000 pixel grid for $1, intending to raise a million dollars. Various advertisers could purchase pixels on the page and include their graphics and hyperlink in their pixel space.


The phonetics of “Million Dollar Homepage” would be:”Mi-lee-ən Dah-lahr Hohm-peij”

Key Takeaways

  1. The Million Dollar Homepage was a website created in 2005 by Alex Tew. Its purpose was to raise money for his university education by selling advertising space at a rate of one dollar per pixel.
  2. The concept of the website was a huge success, eventually selling all of its one million pixels and becoming a cultural and internet phenomenon. It marked a creative and unprecedented use of internet advertising space.
  3. Although The Million Dollar Homepage was a one-time success, it was not a sustainable business model. Many have tried to duplicate its success but none have reached the same level of profitability or cultural impact.


The Million Dollar Homepage is a significant term in technology because it represents one of the earliest and most innovative online advertising strategies. Developed by Alex Tew in 2005, the website was built with the simple yet ingenious idea to sell a million pixels on a web page for one dollar each, hence the name. It completely sold out less than six months later, proving the effectiveness of unique online advertising strategies. The success of Million Dollar Homepage also signified the online market’s vast potential and became an iconic example of entrepreneurial creativity in the age of the Internet. This level of ingenuity changed perspectives about online business strategies and generated discussions on the value and space of digital advertising.


The Million Dollar Homepage was a unique idea initiated by Alex Tew in 2005, aimed at raising funds for his university education. His approach involved setting up a webpage with a million pixels and selling ad space at a dollar per pixel. The concept was simple: anyone looking for online publicity could buy pixels and have their logos or advertisements placed on the space they purchased. These ad-spaces came with a hyperlink redirecting anyone who clicked on the ad to the buyer’s website or landing page.In the era when social media was just beginning to take shape, the Million Dollar Homepage offered an innovative advertising solution. Businesses, organizations, and individuals bought space and used it to reach a global audience, as the web page attracted a significant amount of traffic. Buyers, beyond gaining publicity, also benefited from SEO as the links on the Million Dollar Homepage improved their websites’ ranking on search engines. Today, the Million Dollar Homepage stands as a time capsule of the internet from 2005, showcasing early web advertising methods in a world before social media dominance.


The Million Dollar Homepage project, spearheaded by Alex Tew in 2005, showcased a unique way of fundraising and promoting businesses by selling pixel space on his website for $1 per pixel. Here are three examples of how the concept has been utilized by others in the real-world:1. The “Pixelotto” Project: Due to the immense success of the Million Dollar Homepage, Tew launched a second similar project, known as Pixelotto, in 2006. The idea was largely the same, but with an added lottery-style twist. Advertisers buy pixels for their advertisements and each click entered the clicker into a draw for a chance to win a million dollars.2. MyMillionDollarCity: Following the concept of the Million Dollar Homepage, MyMillionDollarCity offered businesses the chance to buy buildings, streets and landmarks in a pixelated city-based website. This site combined the idea of pixel advertising with an interactive and engaging city view.3. The “Million Dollar Wiki”: Yet another spin-off, the Million Dollar Wiki project offers buyers a chance to buy exclusive page topics for $100 each. The buyers, or page owners, can then monetize their pages with ads, merchandise, sponsored links, etc. This way, buyers could potentially make their investment back, similar to the Million Dollar Homepage.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is the Million Dollar Homepage?A: The Million Dollar Homepage is a website conceived in 2005 by Alex Tew, a student from England, to raise money for his university education. The webpage consists of a million pixels arranged in a 1000 × 1000 pixel grid, image-based links on it were sold for $1 per pixel in 10 × 10 blocks.Q: How did the Million Dollar Homepage work?A: Alex Tew sold pixels for $1 each, with a minimum purchase of 10×10 pixels, to anyone who wanted to advertise on his website. Advertisers could create an image for their block of pixels, link it to their website, and add a tooltip text that appears when the cursor hovers over the link.Q: Who was allowed to advertise on the Million Dollar Homepage?A: Anybody was allowed to advertise as long as their content was not offensive or illegal. Businesses, bloggers, charity organizations, and individuals all bought pixels for advertising.Q: How long did it take for all the pixels on the Million Dollar Homepage to be sold?A: All pixels on the Million Dollar Homepage were sold by 1 January 2006, within four months of the website’s launch.Q: Did the Million Dollar Homepage earn Alex Tew a million dollars?A: Yes, the Million Dollar Homepage project was successful, earning Alex Tew a gross income of one million dollars. However, the exact net amount after operational costs, taxes, and other expenses would be less.Q: Is the Million Dollar Homepage still accessible today?A: Yes, the site is still live and accessible today as a kind of internet time capsule representing a snapshot of the internet from that period.Q: Can I still purchase pixels on the Million Dollar Homepage?A: No, as of now, all of the pixels on the Million Dollar Homepage have been sold and no new purchases are being accepted.Q: Can the Million Dollar Homepage model be replicated for success?A: While the concept is simple, its success greatly depended on the novelty of the idea at the time and the media coverage it received. Replication might not guarantee similar success since it no longer has the originality that inspired businesses and individuals to buy into it in the first place.

Related Tech Terms

  • Pixel Advertising
  • Online Marketing
  • Web Development
  • Advertisement Space
  • Entrepreneurship

Sources for More Information


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