
The Latest

Detecting the Cancel Button

Question: In my “Save As” dialog box (from CMDIALOG.VBX), my OK button and Cancel button both save work. How do I recognize when the userpresses the Cancel button? Answer: One

Showing as 3D

Question: I need a 3D bound text box control so I can avoid having to place standard text boxes in 3D panels for a chiseled effect. I have been unable

Using Seek Method

Question: I am currently migrating my VB/Access application to Microsoft SQL Server. However, the “SEEK” function in my old program does not work any more and I can not find

Exiting and Restarting Windows

Question: I am currently writing and testing an installation program which will soon be distributed. During the this process, I edit the SYSTEM.INI file. Most Windows software willallow you to

Using Field Names With Spaces

Question: I have an established Access v2.0 database with fields intables named “Circuit ID”, for example. How can I use VB v3.0 to query this database without changing all references

Creating a Login Window

Question: I have been attempting to write some code that acceptsinfo from text boxes labeled “Login” and “Password.”I then need to check the password up to x amount of timesbefore

Painting as 3D

Question: How do I use 3D effects on message boxes and common dialogs? Answer: Here is the code you need, in the form of two simple functions. Please note that

Copying a File

Question: How do I write VB code to copy one file to another? Answer: You can either use the FileCopy Visual Basic command, or use the method outlined elsewhere in

Creating a Window With No Title Bar

Question: How do you control whether the window title bar is visible or not visible on each form when the application is running? Answer: If you set the caption to

Loading Bitmaps

Question: I am having trouble transferring a bitmap that I loaded withthe LoadBitmap call from a resource to a picturebox. Howdo I do that? Answer: The LoadBitmap call returns you

Communication Between Forms

Question: I have two forms. There is a combo box on Form1 and a list box on Form2. Form1 has functions to add and delete names from the combo box.

Getting Entries from INI Files

Question: I want to read the MSMAIL.INI file to get information for my program when it starts, and write information there when the program is terminated. I am looking at

Getting Windows Directory

Question: How do I determine the Windows directory? Answer: The API call to use is “GetWindowsDirectory”. The Declare statement is listed in the the Windows 3.1 API help and the

FRX Files

Question: Could you (easily) please tell me what .FRX files are in VB?I’d be forever grateful. Answer: FRX Files are displayed in Windows 95 as Visual Basic Form Stash Files.

Using Recordset Object

Question: I added records to a list box using the datacontrol. Now I would like to use the list1_dblclick procedure to access the recorddblclicked and use it. I know there

Parsing String for E-Mail Address

Question: I semi-understand InStr, however, lets say I am trying to parse e-mail addresses and test for “@”. How do I find my way to the beginning and end of

Exiting Windows

Question: How can I make my program totally exit Windows? When the user hits “Quit Windows”, I want Windows to exit. Answer: Use the ExitWindows API function. The declare statement

Deleting a Record from the DBListBox

Question: How do I delete a record with the data I’ve selectedin a DBListBox (VB4.0). If I use the e.g. Findfirst command I get the message:“The action was cancelled by

Closing a Data Control

Question: I am using the data control through the Standard Version of Visual Basic 4.0. The data control is linked to a table in our database and when I try

Making a System Modal Message

Question: How can I make it so that a form will stay on top until the user presses a button? For example, an error message pops up, the user can’t

Definition of hDlg

Question: I want to make a list-combo visible but, I can’t get using API function :SendDlgItemMessage.What is “hDlg” in the following declaration?Declare function SendDlgItemMessage Lib “User” (Byval hDlg as Integer,

Saving an OLE Object to a Database

Question: How do I save an OLE object into an Access database without using a data control and the OLE OCX? Answer: You should look at the AppendChunk and GetChunk

Providing Multiple Colors

Question: I having trouble using strings and text. I am writing a document creation system and all the text in between the “” char. would be red. All other text

INP/OUT Replacement

Question: I’ve got to control 3 stepper motors from the printer port. How can I activate pins on the printer port using Visual basic. For Example I want to activate

Dialing a Phone

Question: Can you show me how to open COM1: and dial a phone number using tone dialing? Answer: Try this. This is out of the VB Frequently Asked Questions file.PhoneNumber$

Passing Control Arrays to a Function

Question: Is it possible to pass a control array to a function? I have tried for days unsuccessfully, but nowhere in the VB ocumentation can I find that this is

Problems With Single Quotes

Question: Single quotes are messing up my queries. What can I do to fix the following problem?Dim Criteria as StringCriteria=”Name LIKE ‘” & SearchName & “‘” ‘SearchName=”Sam O’Brien”‘At this Point

Passing a Form to a Sub/Function

Question: How do I pass a form as an argument to a function or procedure? I have tried passing the the form name directly and the form name as a

Redirecting DIR Command Output

Question: How do I create the VB equivalent of the command belowDIR C: /S /B >MYFILE.LSTI need this routine for a program that keeps track of installedand removed files. Answer:

Distributing VB400xx.DLL with Applications

Question: I just wrote my first VB4 program, the “Hello World” program out of the SAMS book, “Learn VB4 in 21 Days”. My question is this: I compiled my program