Rackspace Works to Attract Developers

In the past, Rackspace has been primarily an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) vendor, but now it’s adding features to become more attractive as a cloud development platform. Specifically, its making Java, PHP, Python and Ruby SDKs available through its cloud services, and it’s also adding support for .NET languages, including C#. Node.js support is said to be in the works.

The company is also touting its newly launched Developer Support. “Rackspace Developer Support marks the first time we will officially support your application code. When you’re programming your application to interact with the Rackspace Cloud powered by OpenStack, we want to make sure it is as easy as possible,” explained Rackspace President Lew Moorman.

While cloud computing heavyweight Amazon only offers email support, Rackspace will also talk to developers by telephone, which it hopes will set it apart from the competition.

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