Forrester Names IBM’s Cloud as a Leader

In a study titled “The Forrester Wave: Global Public Cloud Platforms For Enterprise Developers, Q3 2016,” Forrester Research named IBM a “strong performer.” It awarded IBM the best possible score for its private and hybrid cloud strategy and gave top marks to IBM’s infrastructure services.

According to Forrester, IBM’s strengths include “platform configuration options, app migration services, cognitive analytics services, security and compliance certifications, complex networking support, growing partner roster and native DevOps tools,” as well as its “enterprise-first, hybrid approach.”

Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, commented “Other cloud players have prospered by appealing to specific developers’ needs, like AWS making it cheap and simple to purchase cloud instances for dev/test processes. But IBM has taken a far different approach by focusing on the discrete needs of enterprise organizations. Developers in those companies typically focus more intently on security and compliance requirements than do many other developers, and tend to create more complex applications than smaller companies.”

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