IBM, Ionic Partner on No-Code Mobile Development

IBM has announced a new partnership with Ionic that will bring Ionic’s no-code app development capabilities to IBM’s MobileFirst platform. More than a million people use Ionic Creator, a cloud development tool that enables visual, drag-and-drop development of cross-platform apps. Creator’s capabilities are coming to MobileFirst and will allow business users with little to no coding expertise to create enterprise-ready mobile apps.

“IBM and Ionic are helping organizations increase revenues and employee productivity by enabling them to overcome challenges that could hamstring their mobile strategies ? such as large mobile app backlogs and lack of skill sets,” stated Angel Diaz, vice president of cloud architecture and technology at IBM. “This agreement empowers organizations to quickly expand their app portfolios and benefit from open standards to enable developers to complete the last enterprise mile ? making apps secure, integrated and easy to manage.”

MobileFirst is available through IBM’s Bluemix PaaS or via traditional on-premises deployment.

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