Microsoft Invites Developers to Connect() Event in November

Microsoft has sent out invitations for a developer event called Connect(), which will take place in New York on November 12 and in Redmond, Wash., on November 13. Both events will be webcast live.

Scheduled presentations and speakers for the first day include the following:

  • Keynote: Developers in the mobile-first, cloud-first era by Scott Guthrie, Executive Vice President, Cloud & Enterprise
  • Visual Studio in a world of multiple devices by S. “Soma” Somasegar, Corporate Vice President, Developer Division
  • Cloud development with Azure and Visual Studio by Scott Hanselman, Principal Program Manager, Microsoft Azure
  • Evolving Software Engineering Practices by Brian Harry, Corporate Vice President, ALM

The second day will delve more deeply into .NET vNext, application lifecycle management, DevOps and Visual Studio 14.

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