RIM Renames Its App Store

With the launch of BlackBerry 10 just days away, RIM has decided to change the name of its app store. But it isn’t a major change—”BlackBerry App World” will now be called simply “BlackBerry World.”

According to a company blog, “The naming change reflects a shift in the type of things you can purchase from the store as we transition to BlackBerry 10 and beyond. As we mentioned back at BlackBerry Jam Americas, BlackBerry World will have much more than just apps – it will now be home to Videos and Music as well. BlackBerry World is going to be the one-stop shop for all of your mobile entertainment needs.”

Some BlackBerry developers will likely remember that RIM already used the “BlackBerry World” moniker for something else—the company’s annual conference. That event will be renamed “BlackBerry Live.”

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