Databricks has released its 2015 Spark Survey, which reveals increasing interest in the open source real-time processing technology. According to the report, Apache Spark has experience 283 percent growth among Windows users and 380 percent growth among SQL users. Other key takeaways include the following:
- 91 percent of survey respondents said Spark’s most important aspect was its performance; 77 percent cited ease of programming.
- 48 percent of Spark deployments are standalone, while 40 percent are within Hadoop YARN.
- Since 2014, the number of Spark users not using any Hadoop components has doubled.
- Most Spark developers are writing applications in Scala (71 percent) or Python (58 percent).
“The rapid acceleration of Apache Spark adoption across new and diverse data problems is impressive,” the report said. “The fact that this growth is propelling Spark beyond Hadoop is astounding. Spark isn’t a quick and easy add on to an existing data technology stack; Spark is the focus of growing group of innovators that are driving tomorrow’s data native culture.”