
DevX Special Report: Move to the Future with Multicore Code

DevX Special Report: Move to the Future with Multicore Code

Even though chip clock speed has stopped its year-by-year improvement, today’s multicore chips can provide dramatic improvements in application performance?but you have to alter your code to take advantage of their power. Find out what you can do to gain multicore performance.

When adding parallelism, the key design choice is to express concurrency in an application without explicitly managing the scheduling of that concurrency onto the hardware.

Despite claims by competing technologies, locks remain the best choice for implementing synchronization and protecting critical sections of your code.

Although adding multiprocessing capabilities to applications is labor-intensive and error-prone, adding multicore capability to SQL query processing can be automatic, benefiting huge numbers of applications with little developer effort.

Urging developers to build parallel-capable applications is useless until they have the tools to do so?and Microsoft intends to ensure that they have them.

If you have a multi-core computer, chances are your first CPU does all the work while the others spend most of their time twiddling their electronic thumbs. Learn to unlock the idle power of your underused CPUs to greatly improve the performance of your applications.

There’s more to any programming tool than just theory?and the TPL is no exception. Learn about the techniques Rod Stephens used and the problems he encountered in these parallelism case studies.

With JSR-166y, Java 7 will get a new way of structuring concurrent programming known as the fork/join framework. Find out how (and when) to use it.

Despite Java’s support for multi-threading and concurrency constructs, developing applications that fare well on modern, multi-CPU hardware can be difficult. Alternate environments like NetKernel might be an easier path to harnessing extra processing elements.

Demand for multicore/multi-processor applications is growing, but developing for a multithreaded application does not require a steep learning curve or an understanding of complicated edge cases. Learn how to develop efficient multi-threaded applications without using synchronized blocks.

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