
Read All SQL Server Log Files

Read All SQL Server Log Files

You can use a script similar to the following to read through all SQL Server Log files:

CREATE PROCEDURE SearchLogFiles (@LogType INT = 1, Filter NVARCHAR(MAX) = '')ASBEGIN   DECLARE @LogsTable TABLE (LogIndex INT, LogDate DATETIME, LogSize INT)      DECLARE @LogRows TABLE (LogDate DATETIME,                               ProcessInfo NVARCHAR (4000),                               Test NVARCHAR (4000))    INSERT INTO @LogsTable   EXEC xp_enumerrorlogs @LogType    DECLARE @index INT = 0   WHILE @index <= (SELECT MAX (LogIndex) FROM @LogsTable)   BEGIN      INSERT INTO @LogRows       EXEC xp_readerrorlog @index          , @LogType -- 1=SQL Server log, 2=SQL Agent log         , @filterstr -- filter string         , @filterstr       SET @index += 1   END   SELECT *   FROM @LogRows    ORDER BY LogDate DESCEND

Use it as follows:

Exec SearchLogFiles 1,'ERROR'

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