Portal (Internet)


A portal, in the context of the internet, is a web platform that provides a wide range of services or resources, such as email, online shopping, forums, search engines, and more. It serves as a single point of access for multiple types of information, making web navigation easier for users. Examples of internet portals include Yahoo, AOL, and MSN.


The phonetic spelling of the word “Portal” (Internet) is: /ˈpɔːrtəl/

Key Takeaways

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  1. A web portal is a specially designed website that incorporates information from various sources like online forums, search engines, and online shopping malls, all in a uniform way. This feature offers numerous conveniences for the user.
  2. Portals are used as tools for creating online communities, managing user services, and content presentation. Various industries utilize portals including healthcare, academia, business, and others for many purposes such as e-learning, customer service, market analysis, etc.
  3. Web portals have diversified types, including horizontals portals, verticals portals, marketplace portals, search portals, etc. Each type has specific functions and benefits, offering different kinds of services to its users.



The technology term “Portal” in internet context is crucial because it refers to a web-based platform that provides a single point of access to a variety of information and other resources. Users can utilize portals to connect to different applications, services and databases, significantly simplifying their online experience. This concept is important, not only in terms of user convenience but also in enabling efficient information retrieval, personalized content delivery and integration of diverse data sources. Popular platforms like Yahoo, MSN, and Google are typical examples of internet portals. Thus, portals play a pivotal role in shaping the internet landscape, making information and resources readily accessible and manageable.


A portal, in the context of the internet, serves as a one-stop resource that consolidates information from numerous sources into a single, easily accessible platform. The main purpose of portals is to deliver a unified user experience where multiple services and resources can be accessed conveniently in one location. Users don’t need to utilize multiple websites or applications to perform related tasks – a portal can provide access to all of these in a cohesive, streamlined environment.Portals are used in various contexts, such as company intranets where employees can access multiple work-related resources in one place. They are also popular in customer service, where customers can access numerous services like FAQs, live chat support, and transaction history. E-commerce websites can also be considered portals as they provide access to diverse product categories, shopping carts, and payment services. Similarly, educational portals offer access to various learning resources, assignments, grades, and communication tools for students and teachers. As such, portals can substantially enhance convenience and efficiency by centralizing access to relevant resources and services.


1. Yahoo: Yahoo is one of the most recognized internet portals. It organizes web services, such as email, news, search engine, online shopping, and links to other websites, into a single platform for the users to access. 2. MSN: Microsoft’s internet portal, MSN, offers its users a variety of services including news, weather updates, a search engine, and also links to other sites like Outlook for email service. 3. AOL (America Online): AOL is a well-known internet portal that provides users with comprehensive internet services, including email, news, multimedia contents, and a search engine. It served as an internet suite, combining a web browser, email service, instant messaging client, and a media player into one program.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is a Portal in internet terminology?A: A Portal, in internet terminology, refers to a web-based platform that provides users with a single point of access to a variety of information, resources, and services like emails, news, search engines, and more, centralized around a specific theme or interest.Q: What are some examples of Internet portals?A: Yahoo, MSN, AOL, and Google are examples of popular Internet portals. They provide diverse resources such as news updates, weather forecasts, emails, search engines, etc., all from a single web page or platform.Q: How do internet portals work?A: Internet portals work by aggregating content from different sources on the web and displaying it in an organized, user-friendly manner. They use a unique username and password to provide personalized content and services to each user.Q: What are the benefits of using internet portals?A: Internet portals offer ease of navigation, a multitude of services, personalized content, and a centralized location for gathering information. They can make it easier and quicker to access important web-based resources and services, providing a time-efficient web browsing experience.Q: What is a personal portal?A: A personal portal is an Internet portal designed for individual users. It offers personalized features like email, calendar, to-do lists, and more, based on the user’s preferences. It’s generally customizable and allows users to organize their web experience according to their needs.Q: What is a corporate portal?A: A corporate portal, also known as an enterprise portal, is a web-based platform designed for use within a business or organization. It provides employees with access to a wide array of corporate information, resources, and services such as databases, applications, policies, documents, etc.Q: Are there any downsides to internet portals?A: While internet portals offer great convenience, they can sometimes lead to information overload due to the vast amount of content they aggregate. Also, as they are a single point of access, they can become a prime target for cyber-attacks.Q: Are internet portals customizable?A: Yes, many internet portals are customizable. They allow users to select what types of information or services they want on their portal page. This can include things like news topics, weather updates, email services, and more.

Related Tech Terms

  • Web Gateway
  • User Interface (UI)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

Sources for More Information


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