Validating Data Entries

Suppose you have an application that reads input from the keyboard. How can you detect whether alphabetic data is being entered into an integer field from a cin statement?

The easiest way to validate the user’s input is by having cin read a string rather than a numeric data type such as int or float. After the user has entered the data, you should examine that string to detect its validity. For example:

 #include #include using namespace std;int main(){  bool error = false;  string data;  cout<<"enter your age: "; // users must enter an integer  cin>>data; // what if user enters a character by mistake?  for (unsigned i = 0; i< data.length(); i++) // validate  {    if ( ! isdigit(data[i]) ) // any non-numeric values?    {     cout<< "illegal input";     error = true;     break;    }  }  if ( ! error)  {    // .. valid data entered; continue normally  }}


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