' Returns an array with all the controls in the specified container control and ' its child containers' Example:' ' print the name of all the controls on the form and its child container ' controls' Dim ctl As Control' For Each ctl In GetAllControls(Me)' Debug.WriteLine(ctl.Name)' NextFunction GetAllControls(ByVal container As Control) As Control() Dim al As New ArrayList Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In container.Controls GetAllControlsHelper(ctl, al) Next Return al.ToArray(GetType(Control))End FunctionSub GetAllControlsHelper(ByVal container As Control, ByVal al As ArrayList) ' add this control to the ArrayList al.Add(container) ' add all its child controls, by calling this routine recursively Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In container.Controls GetAllControlsHelper(ctl, al) NextEnd Sub