8 Misconceptions About Software Development Process

Software Development Process

If your company employs software developers or contracts with third parties, it’s important to understand what’s true about the field. Please continue reading to learn what’s false about the software development process.

There Is 1 Best Programming Language

Software developers tend to be fans of the programming languages they use every day. Python is a prevalent language today, but so is C++.

But the truth is that every programming language is used for a specific reason. That’s why we cannot say with certainty that one language is superior to another. It’s like saying that Spanish is a better language than English – it boils down to where you are.

The advantages of a particular software programming language can only be gauged when you consider a specific programming task. Usually, one programming assignment may require the programmer to know more than one language.

That’s why knowledgeable programmers usually view their languages as several complementing each other instead of being in a contest. The best project results usually happen when developers use several languages together.

Using More Developers Means More Progress

The most critical part of the software development process is the planning phase. If the project isn’t well thought out, some think you can just add more developers later.

However, the software development process isn’t like manufacturing soap. Adding resources to a software development process late in the game can cause delays.

When you bring in new developers, you need to get them up to speed on the project. Every minute you spend orienting new team members to what’s going on is a minute you aren’t developing.

With care, you might be able to add team members without slowing development, but it must be managed and planned.

You Can’t Use Remote Developers

Some companies think developers must be on-site so you can control them. If you have robust project management tools and excellent communication with the entire site-based and remote project team, you can use them.

Many successful Silicon Valley startups prove that remote software programming teams can work just as hard as in-house developers.

Outstanding web and mobile application developers are available worldwide, so you don’t need to keep everyone local.

Your company should choose its developers based on their skill, dedication, and professionalism, not where they’re located.

The Software Development Process Is Always Linear

Many believe that developing software is precisely like manufacturing. If the team keeps with the project plan, the software will be created without problems. Unfortunately, that’s not usually how it works.

Sometimes, development can go as planned, especially on smaller projects like a single landing page. If your team is using the waterfall methodology, it’s possible the project could be linear.

However, more development teams are using Agile methods that offer more flexibility but less predictability today.

Some projects don’t allow you to give an accurate estimate of time to complete. There are many situations where the project needs more flexibility for ideal results.

The Software Development Process Is For Nerds

You may get the idea in college that all programmers are nerds. But you don’t have to act or look a certain way to be an effective programmer.

Anyone with intelligence can learn programming languages and how to code. It just requires you to understand the methodologies and practice.

You Can’t Program If You Aren’t Good At Math

Many developers and programmers were good at math in high school. But it’s not a requirement. Software engineers, for example, don’t need to be outstanding at math you may have studied in school.

Many software developers and engineers use discrete math, which is different and more straightforward. Just remember, you can be a good developer and not be highly skilled in math.

Programmers Only Skill Is Coding

It’s usually crucial that developers and programmers have some knowledge of the client’s subject area.

For example, if your company is developing an accounting app for the iPhone, the accountants at the firm probably can’t explain exactly what they want and need the app to do. Or, they can explain it in accounting terms but cannot connect that knowledge to programming and development.

That’s why it will help if the programmers have some understanding of accounting principles and functions.

The Project Is Over When The Product Is Released

In reality, the project is, in some ways, just beginning when you release the software. Once it’s released, your team should get user feedback and incorporate it into product improvement.

You need to establish a process improvement system to make changes and test them to improve the product.

The software development process is complex, and for your project to succeed, it’s essential to understand what it can and cannot do. If you remember the above ideas, your software development process and project are more likely to succeed.


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