OpenStack Launches Project Navigator

OpenStack Launches Project Navigator

The OpenStack ecosystem has grown so large that its users need help figuring out which components to use. To that end, the OpenStack Foundation has released a new online tool called Project Navigator to help organizations sort through their open source cloud computing options.

“We have over two dozen different services now that you can put into production based on different OpenStack projects. There’s a small number of projects that every cloud uses, or services that every cloud provides – so the compute, storage, networking kinds of fundamental infrastructure-as-a-service pieces,” OpenStack Foundation chief operating officer Mark Collier said. “But there are quite a few projects that give you optional services. Like if you’re doing big data, you might want to use the Sahara project. If you’re not, then you won’t. If you want to automate databases, you might look at Trove. It’s good to have options but it can be overwhelming.”

More than 200 vendors currently support the OpenStack project.

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