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Incompatible Version Errors

Question: I know that there is a fix needed in order to use VB 3.0 and Microsoft Access 2.0. I have downloaded the file COMLYR.EXE and have run it. I

Simulating Click Event

Question: How can I have a combo box “combo1” execute another combo boxs “combo2” procedure click ? Answer: Doing this action this way can have some messy side effects. I

Computing Future Value

Question: I am trying to make a financial calculator that will compute Future Value,but I don’t know how to write code for compounded interest. Answer: I believe you want to

Event-Oriented Programming

Question: What’s the meaning of “event oriented programing?” Answer: Basically, it means that you program everything as a response to an event, instead of a topdown program where the ordering

Expanding Functionality

Question: Our firm would like to integrate our Configuration Management tool into VB. I understand some vendors outside of Microsoft have suceeded in adding links to their product via a

Installing all Files Required

Question: I’ve created a small utility. The exe is only 27k, but vb40032.dll, mfc40.dll (for a custom control) and others make the setup zip over 1 meg. Can I leave

Using Tab Control

Question: I have an old DOS-Clipper app that I plan to upgrade to VB. The old app handles insurance claims. To enter a new claim, 4 screens of data are

Misalignment of Columns

Question: I try to align numeric numbers in columns (to be right-justified). Hwvr, some of the numbers don’t right-justify very well. In my example, most of these numbers hve 2

Removing Picture Property

Question: If I apply a picture to a Form’s Picture property, is there a way to clear it out at design time? (Rather than by using LoadPicture “” at run

Locking Box Against Input

Question: I want to disable a text box without having its text dimmed. I know of one way, which is put the controlinto a picture box and disable the picture

Starting Application Through File Manager

Question: What do I have to do to make my application respond to a file-kickstart (double-click)in file-manager? When I select and associate a specific file type with my application it

Determining Exit Method

Question: I am currently experimenting with VB 3.0. In version 1.0 common dialogs provided the information about which button was used to exit from the dialog. I want to know

Highlighting Text

Question: Is there an API function that will highlight a word in a textbox the way the find command does without using the clipboard? Answer: Set the SelStart property of

Creating a Status Bar

Question: How do I put a status bar at the bottom of an MDI parent form like in Word for Windows.Whenever I place a 3d panel on the form it

Playing WAV Files

Question: How can I play WAV or MID files through Visual Basic? Answer: Use the MSMCI.VBX, provided with VB/Win Pro 3.0. You can also declare and call the MM-functions manually:Declare

Pausing After Dialing

Question: How do you pause after dialing a phone number ? I want to be able to dial a pager number and then pause 3 -5 seconds before sending the

Getting all Filenames

Question: I am using VB4.0 Pro (16 bit) in WFWG and need to read entire directory of files, one after the other, without using the common dialog control. Answer: Look

Searching for Text

Question: Can you help to create code for searching a word in a text box Answer: Let’s say that Text1 is your search criteria (word) and Text2 is the text

Keeping a Window on Top

Question: Is there a method of keeping a window “on top” similar tothe Microsoft Office toolbar and various other applications.I need to be able to have a form iconized, then

Illegal SetFocus Call

Question: Sometimes when I call Text1.SetFocusit returns me an “Illegal function call” error. Any idea why? Answer: Normally, if the Form is not visible, you can’t call SetFocus to it.

Binding a Data Control to a Returned Recordset

Question: Is there a way to pass a recordset from an OLE server to anOLE client? I suspect so. Can we bind thepassed recordset to a client data control? Seems

Creating 3D Forms

Question: I have been successfully using the CTL3DV2.DLL to make 3D message boxes and common dialogs, but I have not been able to get it to work with standard VB

Two VB Instances, Only One Visible

Question: I am running my VB application on Novel 3.12 file server. When application is running it shows to 2 instances of programon file server console: for example if application

Cancelling a Window During Load

Question: Supposing that in Form_Load I determine that I wish to cancel the load of the form (so that nothing is in memory and nothing is displayed to the user).

Interpreting Command-Line Arguments

Question: How can I interpret the command line arguments for a .EXEcreated with VB ? Answer: The Command$ variable contains the arguments that were on the command line when a

Programming a Network-Enabled Application

Question: I have a application developed by VB 3.0(prof) and Access 1.1 withinVB. I use a lot of dynaset objects in the program. Now I want to transferit to a

Using DISTINCT Clause

Question: I have a Access table and I want to pull from that table one of each type and place it into a combo box using SQL. How can I

Controlling Size of Form

Question: How do I control the size of a form? Answer: Either set it at design time, or use the Width, Height, Top, and Left properties to set the form

Exiting Program after Windows Close

Question: Just recently I noticed that if I close my app while it is minimized, the app seems to be left in memory and is still recognized by Windows as

Supported Graphics Formats

Question: What graphic file formats does VB support? Does it support the GIF format? Answer: Visual Basic supports the Windows Bitmap (.BMP), the Windows Icon (.ICO), and the Windows Metafile

Re-Igniting Creativity

just got back from San Diego Comic-Con 2007 in San Diego, California. I love Comic Con for a number of reasons. First, I can go

Book Excerpt: Next Generation Java Testing

he book, Next Generation Java Testing: TestNG and Advanced Concepts, provides pragmatic and results-focused approaches that help enterprise Java developers build more robust code for

Solving the 2D Packing Problem

t’s easy to list applications where computers leave humans in the dust. When it comes to complex mathematics, repetitive calculations, and tedious searches, even the