What is Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)?

What is Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)?

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Modern technology enables businesses to integrate their communications platforms like never before. Companies can now have employees communicate through different methods using one software suite. This makes communications more efficient and easier to analyze. The variety of different services that unified communications as a service (UCaaS) may include is large and growing, read more benefits of UCaaS on the page. Current developments in the UCaaS sector are allowing greater functionality and making UCaaS solutions easier to implement. However, it is still best to get a team of professionals to design and implement your business’s UCaaS system, as these software suites are powerful and complex. Read on to learn more about UCaaS.

Different Services that UCaaS May Include

The nature of UCaaS means that many different methods of communication can be integrated. The most common services integrated into a UCaaS platform include chat, voice calling, and video chat. Some UCaaS platforms also include fax and email programs. The voice calling aspect of UCaaS is often handled by a cloud phone service. This makes it easier to integrate voice calls with the other forms of communication on the platform.

Current Developments in the UCaaS Sector

More and more enterprise-level businesses are adopting UCaaS solutions. Even smaller businesses are also starting to implement UCaaS systems. Many UCaaS systems are beginning to incorporate artificial intelligence-related technologies like machine learning and voice commands. As UCaaS systems get more advanced, this higher level of functionality is expected to drive adoption even more. In fact, 70% of white-collar workers will interact with a UCaaS-driven communications platform by 2022.

Another important current development in the UCaaS sector is the integration of UCaaS systems with other SaaS systems. The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence makes data from a variety of different sources, including a business’s UCaaS system, easier to analyze. Businesses that use UCaaS as part of their data analytics operations can fine-tune their communications processes more effectively.

Implementing a UCaaS System

As previously mentioned, unified communications as a service systems are large, complex, and powerful. While the best UCaaS systems are designed to make them easy to use, they are not necessarily easy to set up or maintain. This is why most businesses who decide to go with a UCaaS system end up hiring a service to set up their system. The services that do this usually also offer ongoing maintenance of the UCaaS system. As the UCaaS system will control a large part of the business’s operations, this maintenance is essential.


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