In VB3 if you wanted to convert your code from one custom control toanother, there were no options other than changing your code. By writingthe proper class you can make use of your current syntax with a differentcontrol. This code demonstrates how to write a VB class to change standardlist-box syntax to use a ListView control. MyList.AddItem and .RemoveItemmethods and the .Text property will interface to the ListView Control usingthis class:
'Form1 would have a listView control on it'dim a module wide object variableDim MyList As ObjectPrivate Sub Form_Load() 'create an instance of our class Set MyList = New FakeList 'tell the class what control to use Set MyList.ListItem = ListView1End Sub'The Class code follows'This holds the listview control'that we will interface withPublic ListItem As ListViewPublic Sub AddItem(sString As String) 'convert AddItem to Add ListItem.ListItems.Add , , sStringEnd SubPublic Sub RemoveItem(lItem As Long) 'Convert RemoveItem to Remove ListItem.ListItems.Remove lItemEnd SubPublic Property Get Text() As String 'Get the text from the selected item Text = ListItem.SelectedItem.TextEnd PropertyPublic Property Let Text(sString As String) 'set the text in the selected item ListItem.SelectedItem.Text = sStringEnd Property