
UnregisterEnterpriseService – Unregister an Enterprise Service from the COM+ Catalog

UnregisterEnterpriseService – Unregister an Enterprise Service from the COM+ Catalog

' Unregister an Enterprise Service from the COM+ Catalog' Note: requires a reference to the System.EnterpriseServices.dll assembly' Note: applicationID is the name of the COM+ application that contains the ' components in the assembly - it can be Nothing' This version identify the enterprise service with its path' Example: UnregisterEnterpriseService("C:TempTestService.dll", Nothing)Sub UnregisterEnterpriseService(ByVal servicePath As String, _    ByVal applicationID As String)    Dim rh As New System.EnterpriseServices.RegistrationHelper    rh.UninstallAssembly(servicePath, applicationID)End Sub' This version identify the enterprise service with a reference to its assemblySub UnregisterEnterpriseService(ByVal asm As System.Reflection.Assembly, _    ByVal applicationID As String)    UnregisterEnterpriseService(asm.Location, applicationID)End Sub

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