Placing a Sound File on a Web Page

Placing a Sound File on a Web Page

I want to put a sound file that I saved on my A drive on my Web page but I don’t know what HTML tag to use. The file name is raggaesw.mid. Could you please explain how to go about placing a sound file on a Web page? I want the music to start as soon as my Web page is opened. Thanks for your help.

Your post is a little confusing?the A drive is usually a floppy drive on most machines. If you are hosting the site on your own machine, you should place the midi sound file into the same directory (or a sub-directory) of your site (if it’s hosted on a service like Geocities, then you probably need to ftp it to a directory). Assuming that it’s in the same folder as the HTML file hosting the sound, the code to play it is pretty straightforward:

...put all of your head stuff here.. Rest of body

The EMBED statement runs the midi file in Netscape, while the BGSOUND handles the case if you’re running in Internet Explorer.


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