iOS 18 beta brings ‘Search Here’ feature

Search Here

Apple has introduced a new feature in the iOS 18 beta that enhances the functionality of the iPhone’s Maps app. The update allows users to search within specific areas with greater precision. Before the iOS 18 beta, if you searched for a restaurant that served pizza in Maps, the app would only show you nearby options.

This was less useful in densely populated areas or when trying to find a place in a specific neighborhood. The new beta introduces an option to narrow searches to a particular area directly on the map. To use the “Search Here” feature, launch the Maps app on your iPhone and type in what you are looking for, such as “pizza,” into the search box.

When the menu appears at the bottom of your screen, select “Search Here.”

Maps will then display results for your specified search term solely within the selected area without adjusting the map’s orientation.

New Maps search area feature

This means if you zoom into a particular neighborhood, Maps will show results for that area exclusively.

Because iOS 18 is still in beta, users should consider downloading it on a secondary device. Betas can be unstable and might cause issues like short battery life. It is recommended to test betas on an older device to avoid any disruptions with your primary device.

While the beta version may have bugs, more updates are expected before the official release in the fall, giving Apple ample time to address any issues. As of now, there is no confirmed date when iOS 18 will be released to the general public. For more updates on iOS 18 and details on how to utilize its new features, stay tuned.


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