YouTube outage in Russia sparks concern

YouTube Outage

YouTube users in Russia are reporting widespread issues accessing the video platform. The site appears to be completely shut down, with users unable to connect on both computers and mobile devices. Over 5,000 complaints have been registered so far, spanning regions including Moscow, St.

Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Saratov, Samara, Krasnodar, and occupied Crimea. When attempting to visit YouTube, users are met with a message indicating a lack of connection.

Russian authorities have recently mandated major telecommunications operators to slow down YouTube video playback speeds to 128 kilobits per second.

This move is likely contributing to the current accessibility problems.

YouTube, owned by Google’s parent company Alphabet, remains one of the few large Western platforms still operating in Russia that allows relatively free expression.

YouTube outage across Russia persists

The site continues to host content from Kremlin opponents, while such material has largely been removed from other popular social media sites in the country. In recent weeks, Russian officials have been critical of YouTube. Lawmakers attribute slowed download speeds to YouTube’s alleged reluctance to invest in local infrastructure like cache servers, a claim the company disputes.

Alexander Khinshtein, head of a parliamentary committee on information policy, previously warned that YouTube speeds could drop by up to 70%. He framed the slowdown as a “necessary step” to address a foreign platform that he claims disregards Russian legislation. A YouTube spokesperson acknowledged last week that some Russian users were experiencing access issues, but stressed these problems were not due to any technical actions on their part.

Both Google and Russia’s state communications watchdog Roskomnadzor have not yet responded to requests for comment on the current outage. The mass YouTube shutdown comes amid an escalating crackdown by Russian authorities on online platforms and freedom of expression. As one of the last remaining outlets for dissenting voices, many are closely watching to see if the video site will remain accessible in the country.


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