
Creating an HTML Table with SQL

Creating an HTML Table with SQL

You can create an HTML Table with SQL. You make use of the ‘FOR XML RAW’ and ‘FOR XML PATH’ statements to organize the Table Body (TBODY), Table Header (THEAD) and Table Footer (TFOOT). The following SQL produces the HTML shown at the bottom of this post (obviously I have formatted the HTML myself for your clarity).

SELECT    (SELECT 'SQL HTML Table Example' FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE) AS 'CAPTION',    (SELECT 'HeaderCell1' AS TH, 'HeaderCell2' AS TH FOR XML RAW('TR'),ELEMENTS, TYPE) AS 'THEAD',    (SELECT 'FooterCell1' AS TH, 'FooterCell2' AS TH FOR XML RAW('TR'),ELEMENTS, TYPE) AS 'TFOOT',    (SELECT F.Cell1 AS TD, F.Cell2 AS TD       FROM         (VALUES            ('Cell1', 'Cell2'),            ('Cell3', 'Cell4'),            ('Cell5', 'Cell6'),            ('Cell7', 'Cell8')         ) F(Cell1, Cell2)    FOR XML RAW('TR'), ELEMENTS, TYPE    ) AS 'TBODY'  FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('TABLE')

Produces the following HTML:

   SQL HTML Table Example                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HeaderCell1	HeaderCell2FooterCell1	FooterCell2Cell1	Cell2Cell3	Cell4Cell5	Cell6Cell7	Cell8

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