I have a popup list that I want to populate other read only fields…

on a form based on the selection. I tried this two ways:

1) Using the validate method. This worked when the value was changed but not when scrolling through the queried records of the form.

2) Creating a subform with the popup as the master column. This worked for updating the fields while scrolling through records but would not allow the popup value to be changed because a detail record existed.

What is the easiest way to do this?

It depends on what functionality are you trying to implement? Forexample, if you want to populate other fields when a user selects avalue in a pop-up list.

You will have to implement the same functionality for theChgCurrentRec() method of the repeater and the PostChange() method ofany of the pop-up lists you want.

When you want to use the same functionality from multiple methods,you may want to define a user-defined method and call it frommultiple places to reduce your potential maintenance problem.


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