TreeView Control

I would like to know how I can add, remove, and see if an item is in the TreeView control. For example:

Prism Pros     4/30/99 7:39AM     4/30/99 8:00AMMcFarley     4/30/99 7:43AM

I want to find out if “Prism Pros” is already in the list.

The main problem here is that you need a scheme to uniquely identify each node. If you are tied to a database, the counter or sequence feature (called AutoNumber in Access) can provide a unique number that you know can’t occur twice. If you are working with date and time entries, as shown in your question, you can format the date and time as a long number, such as 990430-0739, and append it to a string containing the parent’s ID. I’ve used this scheme a few times before, and it makes it very easy to determine where in the tree an item is.


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