How to Improve Your Digital Processes Through Online Automation

The world has shifted toward a far more digital existence in the past few years. You might have already heard the term FIR, which stands for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The first revolution, as you know, was marked by the move from handwork to machinery; the second was marked by the rise of oil usage and the resulting increase of cars and mobility; and the third introduced technology into the workplace and markets.

The fourth, the one you live in now, is all about automation and is called the Cyber-Physical era, as cyber technology is entering human life in every way – from business to home to vacation stays and everything in between. If you’d like to shine with your online business, you need to take note of a few of the biggest reasons why online automation is so important. Lucky for you, it’s exactly the content this article focuses on, so it’s time to dive in.

Make Things Run Smoothly In a Digital Manner

Competing with other businesses in your industry is nearly impossible without a digital presence. And with a digital presence, you don’t just need to be online; you need to be online with a reputation.

What you offer needs to meet the needs of the people who purchase from you, and even if you only have a small online store, one that barely receives orders, you must know that every little bit of automation helps. The key is to have a platform integrated with your store or even a separate platform that allows you to manage your processes more automatedly. Consider sites like the Tonkean Automation Platform, which gives you as a business owner the time away from manually inputting things that could operate automatically and rather puts you in the position of being able to use your time in a more productive way such as speaking to clients, working on new products or even revving up your social media.

There are some things that the cyber world can simply do better, and that’s technical admin. Now, does this mean you’ll never write a personal email to a client complaining? Absolutely not; automation processes don’t take you away from the customer; they must ensure that the 99% easy-to-deal-with cases are done through tech, giving you more time to give your 1% of complaining customers more attention, for example.

Building Your Digital Empire

Creating an online presence comes with its own challenges and opportunities, depending on the business you have. The best way you can build your own digital empire is by looking at someone in the industry that inspires you.

Say, for example, you own a bakery and you’d like to get your products online. It would be best if you looked for someone else who has done the same thing; for example, Jamie Oliver has done this well. He managed to go from being a chef in south London to an instant TV sensation in no time. Now, you might be thinking that the time of going big on TV is over, and that’s where his career ended, but you’d be wrong. He has a clever team of people that propelled him into the right situation, for example, creating a social media page, working with other chefs who have a great reputation, and having an online store that sells his latest pottery.

Do you think any of this would have worked if he had stood behind every single step, manually working on the process? Not a chance! He used online automation to ensure that his customers got what they wanted, but mainly so that he could scale his business. He may have used AI business automation to really be ahead of the curb or used an advanced business automation platform. Either way, a great job was done.

The Power of Automation

Now that you know how to create a digital presence and how to make that presence as seamless and integrated as possible, you need to understand why automation is possible. You know all about how to get it and which platform to use, but you might be asking yourself why you should do it, which is an excellent question. Spend some time going inward, and then once you have the answers you were looking for, go and take over the world with your amazing business!


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