Rob Jackson, a Professor of Earth Sciences at Stanford University, traveled the world in search of climate solutions. He joined host Pep Canadell, Chief Research Scientist at CSIRO Environment, to discuss the discoveries he made and how we can feasibly return the atmosphere to pre-industrial times. During the discussion, Jackson provides insights into innovative techniques and global efforts aimed at reducing atmospheric emissions.
He emphasizes the importance of concerted international collaboration to address climate change effectively. Jackson’s experiences and research offer a hopeful perspective on how humanity can mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and work towards restoring the atmosphere to healthier levels.
Solutions for climate change progress
He outlines the critical steps and necessary policies that can lead to significant environmental improvements. Climate scientist Rob Jackson says that while the journey to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions continues, recent advancements indicate we are heading in the right direction, though the pace of change remains crucial. Efforts by numerous initiatives to encourage and enable innovative energy investments and technologies underscore the collective action required to achieve a more inclusive, sustainable, affordable, and secure global energy system.
Jackson believes that moving forward, effective policies, private-sector action, and public-private partnerships will be essential to continue the momentum and ensure the global energy transition is successful. For those interested in exploring more about climate solutions and other insightful topics, a range of educational and engaging podcasts are available on the ABC listen app.