Helldivers 2 players defy anti-tank mine challenge

Helldivers Challenge

The developers of Helldivers 2 have issued an unusual ultimatum to the game’s community: eliminate 1.5 billion enemies or face the consequences of being saddled with the unpopular MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines. The mandate comes after players rejected the inclusion of the MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines stratagem three times, leaving the developers at Arrowhead Game Studios frustrated. The mines, available since April, have repeatedly been passed over by players in favor of other stratagems.

In April, Helldivers 2 players ignored the MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines. In May, players failed to adopt them once again. In June, given a choice, players opted to save imaginary video game children over adopting the mines.

Arrowhead Games announced an “Efficacy Review” of the currently available mine stratagems to compel players to use the new gameplay feature. Players were ordered to either kill or dismantle 1.5 billion of Liberty’s enemies in a short time frame. If players fail, the MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines will be imposed as a standard feature.

Players face an ultimatum over unused mines

An in-game announcement clarified: “If the targeted number of enemies are eliminated, then the currently available Mine Stratagems will be deemed sufficient, and no additions will be authorized at this time.

As of now, players have only managed to defeat approximately 720 million enemies, far below the required target. With just one day left to meet the goal, this challenge started on Friday, August 2, giving players minimal time to achieve it.

The game’s player base, which peaked at around 250,000 daily players on Steam in April, has since dwindled to a 24-hour peak of 38,654. This reduced player count has made the task even more daunting. Despite the frustration, some players are seemingly pleased with the challenge, viewing it as a clever developer engagement tactic.

One Reddit user commented: “Honestly, kudos to the community for making this Arrowhead’s solution to giving us the mines. Well done, everyone. Stand proud, Divers, our meme is strong.”

With a major content update featuring beefier tank enemies set to launch tomorrow, there’s speculation about whether this new version of the mines will benefit Helldivers 2’s evolving meta.

As for the developers, only time will tell if this provocative approach will integrate the MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines into regular gameplay.


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