Vivian Wilson criticizes Musk biographer

Wilson Criticizes

Vivian Jenna Wilson, Elon Musk’s daughter, has strongly criticized her father’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, on the social media platform Threads. Wilson accused Isaacson of misrepresenting her story and failing to reach out to her for comment in his biography about Musk, released in 2023. In her posts, Wilson described the biography as a “sad excuse for a puff piece” and claimed that Isaacson used her estrangement from Musk to excuse or explain away the tech mogul’s behavior.

She expressed feeling “humiliated” by her portrayal in the book and highlighted that she only learned about its existence a month before its release. Wilson, who is transgender, has been open about her strained relationship with Musk, which she attributes partly to his history of making anti-LGBTQ comments. She refuted Musk’s claims about her childhood, stating that he was largely absent and, when present, she faced harassment for her femininity and queerness.

Wilson critiques Musk biography inaccuracies

Isaacson and his publisher, Simon and Schuster, have not immediately responded to requests for comment. However, Isaacson had previously stated in an interview with NBC News that he had not directly contacted Wilson for the biography.

The book has received mixed reviews, with some critics noting that it glossed over Musk’s far-right views to focus on his business achievements. Wilson took particular issue with Isaacson’s portrayal of her political views as “radical Marxism” and questioned Musk’s comments in an interview with Jordan Peterson, where he misgendered her and blamed her transition for their estrangement. This new conflict adds another layer to the complex and fraught relationship between Elon Musk and his daughter, as depicted in the controversial biography.

Representatives for Musk, Wilson, Isaacson, and the publisher have not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.


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