Sophos Strengthens Network Security Portfolio to Meet the Diverse Needs of Today???s Businesses

Sophos Strengthens Network Security Portfolio to Meet the Diverse Needs of Today???s Businesses

OXFORD, UK ??? October 14, 2014 ??? Sophos today announced additions to its range of SG Series firewall/UTM appliances, WiFi access points, and the availability of Sophos iView, a new dedicated virtual reporting appliance. By extending its Network Security portfolio with new entry-level and enterprise class appliances, Sophos now provides businesses of any size and the channel partners that serve them with the flexibility to consolidate their security with a complete proven solution set. Sophos SG Series AppliancesIn April 2014 Sophos released the first of its new generation of network security appliances, the Sophos SG Series. Today, Sophos announced six additional firewall appliances, meaning that Sophos customers and partners can now choose from 12 SG Series models. As with the existing models, each uses the latest Intel multi-core technology to provide optimal performance. The new appliances include four desktop models ideal for small office deployments and two new 2U models that utilise the fastest Intel Chips and deliver extensive redundancy and customisation features. Further desktop models will be available later in the year with integrated wireless connectivity, including two which support the 802.11ac standard.Sophos iView The release of the Sophos iView virtual appliance addresses what a recent Sophos survey on Spiceworks of SMB IT managers identified as their most significant frustration with existing firewalls from any vendor ??? insufficient reporting. This was the number one complaint with 35 percent of respondents saying they???d like greater reporting options. With over 1,000 built-in reports, including regulatory compliance reports, Sophos iView will give IT managers the extra depth they need. Users can also build their own custom reports and dashboards, focusing on problem areas or users on their network. Available as a virtual appliance only, Sophos iView supports VMware, Hyper-V, Citrix, and KVM virtual environments. As a dedicated reporting appliance, Sophos iView can offload reporting duties and provide a range of added capabilities such as:??? Compliance reporting for industry standard regulations such as HIPAA, PCI, SOX, and GLBA??? Consolidated reporting across multiple UTM firewalls for a complete view of all network traffic from a single console??? Long-term persistent log management and storage for security and backup with convenient access for audits or forensics??? Licensing that is based on storage requirements, with the entry level vSI-Light including 100GB of storage and the vSI-UnlimitedWireless Access PointsIn addition to the SG Series and iView appliances, Sophos also announced the AP 100, the first in a new generation of wireless access points that support the latest 802.11ac protocols, and an entry level access point, the AP 15. As with previous Sophos wireless access points, the new AP15 and AP100 models can be managed directly from the Sophos SG Series appliances, meaning the wireless network is tightly integrated with the firewall protection. Supporting Quotes???Small and medium business have a diverse set of needs when it comes to the locations they need to secure, firewall performance requirements and reporting capabilities??? said Bryan Barney, senior vice president and general manager of the Network Security Group at Sophos. ???By extending our portfolio with the new SG Series models and virtual reporting appliances, we???re making it simple for our customers and partners to simply secure their increasingly distributed environments.??? ???With Sophos???s new entry-level SG 100 appliances and the enterprise-class SG 500 and 600 models we can be even more competitive across a broad range of SMB opportunities,??? said Sam Heard, president, Data Integrity Services ???Our customers already love the on-box reporting they get with Sophos UTM. Now with Sophos iView, we can help those clients who need a little more. Our larger customers will find it particularly beneficial as well. The Sophos partnership allows us to meet the needs of our clients, regardless of their size.??????We are excited about new functionalities with the Sophos SG Appliance and the overall efficiency and improved performance it will bring to our organisation,??? said John Christian, Director of Technology, St. Petersburg Catholic High School. ???Sophos UTM is an ideal solution for our environment. Adding the Sophos SG Appliance will give us the added flexibility our school needs.???Connect with SophosTwitterLinkedInFacebookGoogle+SpiceworksYouTubeSophos BlogNaked Security NewsSophos/Spiceworks Survey


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