A new survey sponsored by MuleSoft finds that nearly three-quarters of organizations have an API strategy, and more than 50 percent say their APIs are generating revenue now or will do so within a year. In addition, 86 percent of IT teams say they feel moderate to extreme pressure to deliver services more quickly than they have in the past.
Other key findings related to enterprise application development from the survey included the following:
- 77 percent of organizations have an Internet of Things (IoT) strategy.
- 75 percent of those surveyed said IoT is important or very important to their business plans.
- 70 percent of organizations surveyed are supporting wearables or will do so within a year.
- 67 percent of those surveyed say micro-services will be important or very important to their organizations over the next year.
- 64 percent of large enterprises are increasing their budgets for mobile development.