Eminem confirms MGK slept with his mother

MGK Mother

Eminem has made shocking claims in a new A.I.-generated interview. The virtual discussion, produced by A.I. firm Metaphysics, features Eminem in conversation with a digital version of his younger self, reminiscent of his infamous alter-ego, Slim Shady. The 14-minute scripted interview, released on Tuesday, portrays a hypothetical scenario of a mature Eminem trying to reason with his reckless past persona.

The conversation touches on multiple sensitive topics, including a bizarre claim that Machine Gun Kelly (MGK) once had an affair with Eminem’s mother, Debbie Nelson. Throughout the A.I. interview, Eminem addresses his past provocations and controversies. A notable interaction occurred when A.I. Shady pulled out a prescription vial and popped pills, prompting a debate about their 2009 album “Relapse” and Eminem’s journey to sobriety.

The real Eminem highlighted his 16 years of sobriety and a departure from past behaviors that hinged on shock value and escapism.

Eminem addresses past controversies

The conversation also delved into lyrical feuds, with A.I. Shady questioning Eminem’s past targets, such as Christina Aguilera, and suggesting that the older Eminem had lost his edge.

Real Em countered that discrimination and cheap shots are no longer acceptable, reflecting a shift in societal attitudes and his own growth. However, the most shocking revelation came towards the end when A.I. Slim Shady asserted that MGK slept with Eminem’s mother. Eminem didn’t refute the claim, instead confirming the rumor cryptically, suggesting that their past conflicts might have more profound, more personal roots.

Concluding the interview, Eminem admitted that the “Slim Shady” character was born out of a desperate phase in his career. Symbolically, he expressed his desire to flush out the alter-ego that once defined him finally. Eminem’s use of an A.I.-generated conversation to reflect on his career marks a significant juncture in both his personal and professional life, signaling a potential end to the era of his most controversial character.

It remains to be seen how fans will react to these revelations and whether this truly signifies the end of Slim Shady.


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