
EvalFileName – Ensure that the basename of a file or directory is valid

EvalFileName – Ensure that the basename of a file or directory is valid

' EvalFileName ensures that the basename of a file or directory' conforms to the Microsoft file naming guidelines (see MSDN webpage)'' naming_a_file.asp'' Return value:'   True = Valid basename'   False = Invalid basename'' Note: Since EvalFileName checks only the basename of a file or' directory, it does not test the max filename length condition' (ANSI 255 for files, 248 for directories, including the path)' This error is however trapped by the APIMakeDirectory function'' Example:'   MsgBox EvalFileName("test.txt")'   MsgBox EvalFileName("inva:lid.txt")Private Function EvalFileName(ByVal Name As String) As Boolean                                Dim i As Long    Dim Test As String    Const BAD_FILENAME_CHARS As String = """" & "/" & "" & ":" & "|" & "<" & _        ">" & "*" & "?"        ' We need a name    If Len(Trim$(Name)) = 0 Then        Exit Function    End If        ' Test trailing space or period    Test = Right$(Name, 1)    If Test = " " Or Test = "." Then        Exit Function    End If        ' Test illegal and non-printable characters    Test = BAD_FILENAME_CHARS    For i = 0 To 31        Test = Test & Chr$(i)    Next    For i = 1 To Len(Name)        If InStr(1, Test, Mid$(Name, i, 1)) > 0 Then            Exit Function        End If    Next        ' Test possible use of reserved words    ' (CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL)    If LCase$(Name) = "con" Or LCase$(Name) = "prn" Or LCase$(Name) = "aux" Or _        LCase$(Name) = "clock$" Or LCase$(Name) = "nul" Then            Exit Function    End If    ' COM/LPT (1-9)    For i = 1 To 9        If LCase$(Name) = "com" & CStr(i) Or LCase$(Name) = "lpt" & CStr(i) Then            Exit Function        End If    Next        ' All tests clear, return success    EvalFileName = TrueEnd Function

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